Lungs of the planet burns: How you can Help

Over the past few years Nature PhotoHikes has been giving back to communities and organizations while organizing hikes for locals. At the forefront of causes dear to us is climate change, as it’s not just relevant to our mission but a critical global issue which affects everyone. We’ve helped raise funds and awareness for various natural disasters such as earthquakes and wildfires, both locally as well as worldwide. Local wildfires even affected our tours, as the smoke and smog made it impossible to hike in alpine areas over the last two summers. Thankfully the situation appears to be under control locally, due to rain over the last winter and spring seasons.

However, what is happening now is much more drastic, especially as it pertains to our whole planet. The Amazon rainforest is burning at an alarming rate and not enough is being done to stop it. To that end, Nature PhotoHikes wants to raise funds and awareness to prevent the crisis from worsening.

As we’ve run community hikes over the past 15 years, we’ll be scheduling new ones over the next few months for the local community, who’ve attended our hikes previously as well as new attendees. You can follow our Facebook page for local events and attend and/or donate.

Also, check out this valuable resource on how you can help and list of organizations you can donate to. Help in any way you can, whether it’s funds or spreading awareness of this urgent crisis.



