Break in Tours due to COVID-19

The recent global COVID-19 pandemic has been difficult for many people around the world. Our thoughts are with those who have lost their loved ones and those who are sick. In addition, we hope that those who have lost their jobs and businesses continue their steadfastness and come out of these difficult times stronger and healthier.

The pandemic’s effect on the health and safety of our guests and staff is of utmost importance to Nature PhotoHikes. Therefore, we’ll be taking a break from all physical tours for travelers until the pandemic subdues and travel restrictions are lifted. In the meantime, we’re offering online tutorials on nature photography.  We’re also starting community hikes for BC locals only, adhering to health advisories. BC locals can also check out these resources for travel within our province.

Please stay safe and follow our experts on the various practices designed to beat this thing. We’ll re-start our tours once it’s safe to do so and we hope the world recovers from the pandemic soon. Looking forward to meeting our guests again!



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