AirBnB Experiences Showcase Best of Vancouver

Visitors from all over the world continue to prove why Vancouver is a great travel destination. We at Nature PhotoHikes have been quite busy over the last 6 months – normally the ‘slow’ travel season – with guests who continue to take advantage of our mild city weather as well snowy mountains.

Nature PhotoHikes hosts 8 experiences on AirBnB:

Nature Walk and Photography – Airbnb
Squamish & Whistler Photography – Airbnb
Advanced Hiking & Photography – Airbnb
Stanley Park & English Bay Photography – Airbnb
Gastown & Chinatown Photography – Airbnb
Bowen Island Trip, Hiking & Photography – Airbnb
Garibaldi Lake Hiking & Photography – Airbnb
Vancouver Sightseeing and Photography – Airbnb

Nature PhotoHikes is the only host with multiple AirBnB Experiences, thanks to attendance from travelers from all over the world. Their positive reviews and enthusiasm are reminders of how Vancouver’s natural beauty should never be taken for granted!



